Sunday, April 19, 2015


Sinkholes: occur when the overlying ground collapses into underground soil cavities over limestone.

There are three types of Sinkholes:
Dissolution: where the soil cover is thin and highly preamble. Acidic underground seeps through the soil and dissolves the underground limestone along fractures.

Cover Subsidence: where as much as 60 meters of sandy and permeable sediment exists on top of the limestone bedrock.
Cover Collapse: where a significant amount to clay is present in the overlying sediments.
Limestone: Limestone is a sedimentary rock, which means it was formed from small particles of rock or stone that have been compacted by pressure. Sedimentary rock is important because it often contains fossils and gives clues about what type of rock was on the Earth long ago. Just like a tree's rings tell a lot about its environment, layers found in sedimentary rock can tell about important changes in the environment.

I couldn’t find sinkholes hazards in Afghanistan, and therefore, I don’t think Afghanistan experiences sinkholes hazardous incidents or perhaps they are not recorded due to lack of media. I would love to know if anybody has any info about sinkholes hazards in Afghanistan.


  1. yes, sometimes the information is just not there. I bet they do have them. I miss the source of information in this week's blog.

  2. I got these definitions from book and didn't really use any other source.
